Texture Categories

Floor Covering:   Any indoor floor covering that does not fit any of the other categories

Marble and Stone:   marble, stone and brick

Ancient Art  

Flora and Groundcovering:   any kind of ground material and vegetation that is not manmade or fits into the other categories for building materials.    Possible textures included might be grass, plants, flowers, trees, leaves, fruits and vegetables, nuts, dirt, sand, and mud.

Interior Decor:   Possible textures to be included here would be silk sheets, floral pastels, curtains and drapes, bed spreads (only if they cannot pass as floorcovering), wall textures (specifically pastels and wallpaper)

Skin and Clothing:  animal skins and avatars textures such as clothing faces and hair


Doors and Windows

Wood and Fiber


Tiles:  Any walk or wall material that is manmade or tiled and does not fit in the Marble and Stone category




Submission Information

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If you are a graphic artist and see a copyrighted texture on this site that has been taken from one of your graphics collections, please contact Challagar with the names of the textures and I will remove them.