Submission Criteria
In order to avoid being overloaded with work (we want to enjoy this project and not allow it to become a burden), we have set the following criteria for submissions:
- All textures must be presorted according to category.
- If textures from more than one category are submitted from one individual or group, each category must be in a seperate zip file within the main zip file.
- Please specify any masks name and URL.
- Email the presorted zip file to Challagar or Rufferto.
- We will not accept textures from a person or persons who merely point us to a directory and expect us to pick and choose for ourselves.
- We will not accept textures in a collection adding up to more than a megabyte (zipped or unzipped). A megabyte of textures to sort and catalogue is more than enough work.
- We will not accept textures of an obscene or indecent nature. We are the sole judges of what will be considered as such. Please do not complain if we do not accept a texture that you submit.
- We reserve the right to remove any texture after accepting it in the event of a copyright violation claim.
- We reserve the right to change any of the submission criteria or add new ones for whatever reason we see fit.
If you are a graphic artist and see a copyrighted texture on this site that has been taken from one of your graphics collections, please contact Challagar with the names of the textures and I will remove them.